1999 was a special year for me, as I married the man I love, Colin and I found yoga. My dear friend Kelly suggested that I try a yoga class with her. Yoga was suggested as an aide for me to reduce anxiety. I think that without go to my first yoga class, my anxiety would have stopped me from growing. I am still a naturally anxious person, but yoga has supported me in my life to take on challenge after challenge. Yoga has been my fertilizer!
So, here’s the truth…I came to yoga to find stillness in movement, and quiet in a busy mind. When I step onto my yoga mat, a state of quiet contentment is triggered. Off of my yoga mat, I run a business and a family. I live with Colin, and our three children, Ned, Theo and Kitty. Plus, Lola our Tibetan terrier. Our family life, like most families is chaotic. I use yoga as a tool to help centre me though the challenges that life, and especially family life offers. Sometimes I am able to breathe deep and remain calm, when under attack from an enemy (I mean child!). But at other times I react with a quick temper. Yoga has taught me to recognise when I am wrong, to be honest, and apologise to those involved.
Yoga aims to show you that you already are perfect. Slowly, and steadily as you embrace your yoga practice, your mind becomes clearer and this clarity leads to kindness.
The physical practice of yoga asanas (postures) makes me feel great! I am flexible, balanced and strong. I am aware of my physical body in everyday life, therefore I stand tall and am confident. My regular yoga practice tones all muscular layers of the body, through conditioning and stretch, my body is able to move, and freedom of movement in the body harnesses a state of freedom in the mind. BLISS.
Back to 1999, I was fortunate to be taught by a lovely and experienced British Wheel of Yoga (BWY) https://www.bwy.org.uk/teacher, Sue Moore. I remember being self-aware and idolising the stretchy and strong students around me. But bit by bit, I began to practise yoga for myself. A bubble formed around me as I practised in a crowded class. I listened to the teacher’s instructions and started to move my body to within it’s comfortable maximum. Through time, I learnt not to strain to touch my toes, but to bend my knees to get there!
I was taken with yoga, and wanted to learn more about its origin, philosophies and why it made me feel so good. I enrolled on a BWY foundation course, being taught by Antonia Boyle. She is an amazing person and teacher. I learnt about the history of yoga, its Sanskrit language, pranic energy, the dynamic of breathing and physical alignment, to name but a few!
Overall, I learnt that yoga suggests a formula for happiness. Yoga is not prescriptive, you take from it what you want, when you need to. With little baby steps, you reach YOUR summit. You achieve YOUR goals.
I am still climbing my mountain…but I got a little higher when I undertook the BWY teacher’s diploma course, run by two inspiring teachers, Zoe Knott and Bob Insley. With a lot of hard work, over a three-year period and welcoming the birth of our son Theo, I completed this wonderful learning experience in 2007. Zoe and Bob moulded me into an enthusiastic yoga teacher, I love yoga and I love to teach yoga.
In 2017, I successfully completed ‘Relax and Renew’ Restorative Yoga Level 1 teacher training with Judith Hanson Lasater, http://www.restorativeyogateachers.com. Restorative Yoga is a gentle practice that truly allows the person to let go. Restorative Yoga uses many props so that the person’s body, whilst in a yoga pose, is fully supported. It is my role, as teacher, to ensure that you are truly supported whilst in the pose, I ensure that you feel secure and grounded. Warmth, concentration on the breath and quiet are necessary ingredients too.
In 2018, I also completed ‘Sports Massage Therapy’ Level 3 with Burrell Education, https://www.burrelleducation.com. I embarked on massage training as I wanted to get more hands on with clients. Holistic massage is used to soften muscles and relax both body and mind. Sports massage therapy not only offers the benefits of holistic massage, but provides additional techniques to ensure that the muscle relaxation, and improvement in joint range achieved through massage is long lasting. This does mean client participation, as to truly change physical structure, one needs to move. So, client homework (exercise prescription) following treatment is given, and its practise encouraged!
In 2018, I developed Myofascial Release Part 1 with Ruth Duncan, https://www.myofascialrelease.co.uk This gentle hands-on technique, in which soft tissue compression, and traction are applied over a short period of time. The compression and movement of soft tissue effects all surrounding and underlying tissues, alleviating tension, adhesions and restrictions, promoting suppleness and buoyancy in the body.
I can teach yoga to you. I can massage your body. OR I can do both! I teach Hatha yoga to a client, we note restrictions in the body, that are then targeted with massage. If you want a truly BLISSED-OUT feeling then, I will assist you in finding support and comfort in restorative yoga pose, followed by a holistic massage. You are guaranteed to float away!
As a BWY teacher and sports massage therapist, I have to undertake continued professional development, hold a first-aid certificate and am fully insured. I hope that these facts reassure you, that when you practice yoga with me, or receive a massage from me, you are in safe hands.
Om Shanti Om
Caroline x
So, here’s the truth…I came to yoga to find stillness in movement, and quiet in a busy mind. When I step onto my yoga mat, a state of quiet contentment is triggered. Off of my yoga mat, I run a business and a family. I live with Colin, and our three children, Ned, Theo and Kitty. Plus, Lola our Tibetan terrier. Our family life, like most families is chaotic. I use yoga as a tool to help centre me though the challenges that life, and especially family life offers. Sometimes I am able to breathe deep and remain calm, when under attack from an enemy (I mean child!). But at other times I react with a quick temper. Yoga has taught me to recognise when I am wrong, to be honest, and apologise to those involved.
Yoga aims to show you that you already are perfect. Slowly, and steadily as you embrace your yoga practice, your mind becomes clearer and this clarity leads to kindness.
The physical practice of yoga asanas (postures) makes me feel great! I am flexible, balanced and strong. I am aware of my physical body in everyday life, therefore I stand tall and am confident. My regular yoga practice tones all muscular layers of the body, through conditioning and stretch, my body is able to move, and freedom of movement in the body harnesses a state of freedom in the mind. BLISS.
Back to 1999, I was fortunate to be taught by a lovely and experienced British Wheel of Yoga (BWY) https://www.bwy.org.uk/teacher, Sue Moore. I remember being self-aware and idolising the stretchy and strong students around me. But bit by bit, I began to practise yoga for myself. A bubble formed around me as I practised in a crowded class. I listened to the teacher’s instructions and started to move my body to within it’s comfortable maximum. Through time, I learnt not to strain to touch my toes, but to bend my knees to get there!
I was taken with yoga, and wanted to learn more about its origin, philosophies and why it made me feel so good. I enrolled on a BWY foundation course, being taught by Antonia Boyle. She is an amazing person and teacher. I learnt about the history of yoga, its Sanskrit language, pranic energy, the dynamic of breathing and physical alignment, to name but a few!
Overall, I learnt that yoga suggests a formula for happiness. Yoga is not prescriptive, you take from it what you want, when you need to. With little baby steps, you reach YOUR summit. You achieve YOUR goals.
I am still climbing my mountain…but I got a little higher when I undertook the BWY teacher’s diploma course, run by two inspiring teachers, Zoe Knott and Bob Insley. With a lot of hard work, over a three-year period and welcoming the birth of our son Theo, I completed this wonderful learning experience in 2007. Zoe and Bob moulded me into an enthusiastic yoga teacher, I love yoga and I love to teach yoga.
In 2017, I successfully completed ‘Relax and Renew’ Restorative Yoga Level 1 teacher training with Judith Hanson Lasater, http://www.restorativeyogateachers.com. Restorative Yoga is a gentle practice that truly allows the person to let go. Restorative Yoga uses many props so that the person’s body, whilst in a yoga pose, is fully supported. It is my role, as teacher, to ensure that you are truly supported whilst in the pose, I ensure that you feel secure and grounded. Warmth, concentration on the breath and quiet are necessary ingredients too.
In 2018, I also completed ‘Sports Massage Therapy’ Level 3 with Burrell Education, https://www.burrelleducation.com. I embarked on massage training as I wanted to get more hands on with clients. Holistic massage is used to soften muscles and relax both body and mind. Sports massage therapy not only offers the benefits of holistic massage, but provides additional techniques to ensure that the muscle relaxation, and improvement in joint range achieved through massage is long lasting. This does mean client participation, as to truly change physical structure, one needs to move. So, client homework (exercise prescription) following treatment is given, and its practise encouraged!
In 2018, I developed Myofascial Release Part 1 with Ruth Duncan, https://www.myofascialrelease.co.uk This gentle hands-on technique, in which soft tissue compression, and traction are applied over a short period of time. The compression and movement of soft tissue effects all surrounding and underlying tissues, alleviating tension, adhesions and restrictions, promoting suppleness and buoyancy in the body.
I can teach yoga to you. I can massage your body. OR I can do both! I teach Hatha yoga to a client, we note restrictions in the body, that are then targeted with massage. If you want a truly BLISSED-OUT feeling then, I will assist you in finding support and comfort in restorative yoga pose, followed by a holistic massage. You are guaranteed to float away!
As a BWY teacher and sports massage therapist, I have to undertake continued professional development, hold a first-aid certificate and am fully insured. I hope that these facts reassure you, that when you practice yoga with me, or receive a massage from me, you are in safe hands.
Om Shanti Om
Caroline x
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