"We feel stressed when we evaluate environmental demand as beyond our ability to cope successfully..." Brene Brown 'Atlas of the Heart' pg5.
There is a wealth of research on the calming benefits of yoga, breathing techniques, mindfulness and massage. All bring BALANCE to our nervous system, and prepare us to recalibrate back to a state of homeostatic balance following a perceived or actual threat in our environment.
Within this 90-minute 'Stress Free Me' treatment you will be taught practical skills to reduce symptoms of stress and anxiety and enjoy a tailored massage therapy treatment focusing on reducing musculoskeletal tension in the primary and accessory breathing muscles. These muscles are targeted as stress and anxiety culminate in hyperventilation and the rib and neck muscles that should assist the diaphragm in the active phase of breathing each inhalation do the lions share of the work. Headaches, migraines, jaw pain, neck and shoulder pain to name a few coexist with stress and anxiety and shallow, fast hyperventilation breathing.
You will learn and enjoy: ⭐️ breathing practices ⭐️ somatic mindfulness practices ⭐️ simple but effective movement techniques ⭐️ massage therapy with techniques applied direct to your skin or through your clothing - you choose.
Price 90-minute treatment £80 AUGUST OFFER! Use the coupon code AUGUST at the checkout to receive £10 off all massage therapy treatments. Bookings must be made for August only!